Concord plc Retirement Benefits Scheme
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This website is for members of Concord plc Retirement Benefits Scheme.

Statement of Investment Principles and Implementation Statement

The Statement of Investment Principles (SIP) sets out the Scheme's investment strategy, including the investment objectives and investment policies.

The Implementation Statement is prepared by the Trustee to explain how it has acted in line with the stewardship and engagement policies in the Statement of Investment Principles during the year.

Summary Funding Statement

The Summary Funding Statement is issued to scheme members and beneficiaries to provide details of the scheme's funding position.

Scheme Accounts

Each year the Trustee prepares an annual report and accounts providing information about the Scheme.

The latest Trustee Report and Accounts is included below.

Pension Scams

The Trustee would like to draw your attention to the continued growth in “pension scam” cases being publicised by the pensions Regulator, and to ensure that you are aware of the dangers associated with them.

The Trustee would urge you to be particularly vigilant if you receive any unsolicited approach regarding your pension, and would suggest that you read the further information provided by the Pensions Regulator on its website by accessing the web-link below.

If you are thinking of leaving the Scheme for any reason, you should consult a professional advisor, such as an independent financial advisor, before taking any action.

Please keep us informed

It is important that the Scheme’s administrators know how to contact you. Please use the contact details on this website to let them know if you move or if there is any change in your status.

You should also consider if you need to update your Expression of Wishes form.

Contact details

Concord plc Retirement Benefits Scheme
First Actuarial
2nd Floor
Fosse House
182 High Street
01732 207500