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This website is for members of Brambles Enterprises (1996) Pension Scheme.

Online Tools – MyPension

MyPension is a web-based member area that allows you to access your details and pension information whenever you need it.

Online Tools - AROM

AROM is an online retirement options modeller tool available to members who are eligible to start taking their benefits that lets you explore all your retirement options – and see the potential income you could get from each one.

The AROM tool is currently offline for the foreseeable future. Please refer to your retirement pack for further information on your options and benefits. You may also wish to visit MoneyHelper using the following link
Pensions and retirement | Help with pensions and retirement | MoneyHelper.

Newsletter – Summary Funding Statement

A copy of the latest Newsletter covering the latest information about the Plan and details of the latest funding position in the Summary Funding Statement is provided below.

Statement of Investment Principles / Implementation Statement

The Statement of Investment Principles (SIP) sets out the Scheme’s investment strategy, including the investment objectives and investment policies.

The Implementation Statement is prepared by the Trustee to explain how it has acted in line with the stewardship and engagement policies in the Statement of Investment Principles during the year.

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Contact Us

If you have any questions, or you need to get in touch with us about your pension, including letting us know that you’ve changed address, to request information on your pension or to update your Expression of Wish for, you can do so in the following ways:

0121 752 6610
Brambles Enterprises (1996) Pension Scheme,
c/o XPS Administration,
1 Colmore Row,
Birmingham B3 2BJ