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This website is for members of the Land Rover Pension Scheme, the Jaguar Pension Plan and the Jaguar Executive Pension Plan (“the Schemes”).

Statement of Investment Principles

The Statements of Investment Principles (SIPs) set out the Schemes’ investment strategies, including the investment objectives and investment policies.

Please click on the document links below to access the Schemes’ SIPs.

Summary Funding Statement

The Summary Funding Statements are issued to Schemes’ members and beneficiaries to provide details of the Schemes’ funding positions.

Member Newsletter

The Trustees prepare an annual newsletter to provide members and beneficiaries with information about the Schemes. The latest newsletters are provided below.

Responsible Investment Policy

The Policy sets out the Trustees' objectives in relation to Responsible Investment, the actions taken to meet these objectives and the means by which these actions are assessed.

The current Responsible Investment Policy is provided below along with the first Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures Report.

Death Benefit Expression of Wish Form

Please use the relevant form below to provide information to the Trustees about your wishes in relation to the payment of Lump Sum benefits due under the Scheme in the event of your death.

Trustee Report and Accounts (including Implementation Statement)

The Trustees are required to prepare an annual Trustee Report and Accounts.

The most recent reports are provided below.

Interactive Member Booklets

The Trustees have prepared the following booklets to provide members with information about the Schemes.

Pension Scams

Pension scammers wreck lives and anyone can become a victim.

The Trustees are committed to raising awareness, educating and protecting members and have signed up to the Pensions Regulator's pledge to combat pension scams.

Don't let a scammer enjoy your retirement. Find out how pension scams work, how to avoid them, and what to do if you suspect a scam.

Be ScamSmart!

Where to find out more

The quickest way to find out information about the Scheme is by logging into your Benpal account at, as it contains lots of information about the Scheme and your benefits in it.

If you still need help with any query, you can contact the Administration Team using their details below:

Land Rover Pension Scheme

Mercer Limited
Maclaren House
Talbot Street
M32 0FP
0345 300 2967 or
0044 207 806 8908 (if calling from outside the UK)

Jaguar Pension Plan / Jaguar Executive Pension Plan

Mercer Limited
Maclaren House
Talbot Street
M32 0FP
0345 078 2052 or
0044 129 889 0252 (if calling from outside the UK)

To contact HR Direct, call 047 (internal) or 01926 691 747 (external), raise a ticket on the People Portal or email